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Community Update: Pool/R&R

It is with the sincerest of apologies that the opening of the pool must be delayed once again.

On Tuesday, our contractor came out to fill and chemically treat the pool in preparation for our opening on Saturday.

However, on Wednesday it was observed that the levels in the pool had dropped drastically overnight. This means that the Coronado Woods pool has a leak.

Our next steps are fully draining the pool to locate the issue and have it repaired.

That being said, we are NOT canceling the Rules and Regulations Q&A - which will still be happening Saturday at 11am - however, we are changing the location to the back lot by the Retreat.

Feel free to stay after the meeting, or just come and join us at 1pm - because that’s when we will be having a community picnic hosted by the Board at no cost to the community!

We will keep the community updated about the pool as we have more information. Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding.

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