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Pool Update

Many of you are wondering what is going on with the Coronado Woods swimming pool, and we hear the frustration of the community; we are feeling it ourselves with how long this project has been dragging on.

Our contractor was meant to finish this work in April, but due to a fire at their facility, that deadline was pushed to Memorial Day. Which we were assured several times would be reachable.

Then the south wall of the pool gave way under the weight of the machinery that was needed to clear out the old decking, which added almost a full week of work to the project as it had to be rebuilt brick by brick.

After this, our contractor was called away to address some emergency jobs at an elementary school and a military base, which stretched the timeline on our pool's completion even further.

When the contractor let us know the work was finally finished, the board performed an inspection and, unfortunately, we found that the pool was still not in an acceptable condition to open. The concrete work was unsatisfactory, and it was littered with safety issues.

Currently, we are working with the contractor to fix the issues so we can be good stewards of the community's money and ensure the concrete work lasts for decades to come.

We sincerely apologize for the delays and the frustrations you're feeling, but we ask for a little more patience while we get this matter resolved.

We are looking to keep the pool open through September this year, as long as the weather allows, to extend our swim season and hopefully make up for some of the time you have spent waiting!

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